Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Paper Bag

Monday, January 31, 2011

shirt -- Rayna Morgan
jumper -- R & K Originals
tights -- L'eggs
clogs -- Sanita

This outfit is a pretty typical one for me, or I should say it "was" pretty typical for me. It had all the elements of the type of clothes that I gravitated toward -- no color and no shape. 

I pulled it out of my closet today because I needed to get out of the house in a hurry (I had a ton of errands to run before work*), and I didn't have time to agonize over what I was going to wear. So I ended up wearing something that was familiar to me. It was easy. It was comfortable. And I knew that it looked good on me. 
Or did it? 

I see the picture now, and I think that I look drab -- I look like I'm wearing a paper bag. And I actually dressed it up today, compared to how I would have worn it in the past, by adding a bunch of jewelry. And boy, am I glad that I did. I'm not sure what else I could have done to jazz this up a bit.

Hmmm ... this picture really makes me think. 

*One of today's errands was to pick up a bag of neckties that somebody was giving away on Freecycle. I was so excited when the person told me that I could have them. The person warned me that some of these ties were downright ugly. No matter -- the uglier the better for what I wanted them for. And boy did I luck out! I got a bag full of the greatest multi-colored ties (there were even two Jerry Garcia ties in the bag) -- just perfect for making a vest like Iman's I can't wait to see if I can make something that looks half as good as hers! 

How cool are they?! You can see more of Iman's tie vests on her blog at Mishaps and Miracles.

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